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Natural Cheddar Cheese has many applications depending on the age of the cheese.

  • Fresh - Up to one month of age, it has very little flavour making it ideal for processing or further maturing.
  • Mild - Matured for up to 3 months. Clean mild flavour. Generally stored for further maturing. May be used as a top for breads, melted in cooking and baking & other savoury foods.
  • Tasty - Matured for 6 to 9 months. Full bodied flavour. Uses include manufacture of savoury breads and scones, various pasta dishes, soups and sauces. Also suitable for cutting and packing into smaller retail units.
  • Vintage - Matured for 9 to 12 months. Rich sharp flavour. Use as a table cheese, snack cheese, in bread, scones, biscuits, pasta dishes, soups and sauces.


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton. Shredded form is gas flushed in plastic laminate bag in cardboard outer carton.

  • Block - 20 Kg carton (54 cartons per pallet)
  • Shred - 6 x 2 Kg or 1 x 10 Kg carton  (63 cartons per pallet)
  • Slices - 8 x 1.5 Kg carton (72 cartons per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity: 

  • 20 Kg Block
  • 12 Kg Shred
  • 12 Kg Slices

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Egmont is a semi-hard rindless cheese, designed to fit a balance between Gouda & Cheddar. It is pale, creamy in colour, has a smooth plastic body with a mild, slightly sweet flavour.


  • Suitable for cutting & packing into smaller retail units
  • Excellent for processing
  • Shredded for use in retail, catering & industrial packs
  • Toppings for Bakery products including bread rolls, bakery fillings, frozen meals, convenience foods, salads & sauces.


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton. Shredded form is gas flushed in plastic laminate bag in cardboard outer carton.

  • Block - 20 Kg carton (54 cartons per pallet)
  • Shred - 6 x 2 Kg or 1 x 10 Kg carton  (63 cartons per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:

  • 20 Kg Block
  • 12 Kg Shred          

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Mozzarella is a traditional Italian-style cheese, with a stringy texture. During the manufacture process it is pulled into long threads giving the cheese a plastic-like ‘stringy’ texture and ‘stretch’ when heated.


  • Ideal for Baking applications
  • Italian-style dishes such as Pizza, Lasagne and other pasta dishes
  • Thickner for sauces, on breads & in various meat dishes


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton. Shredded form is gas flushed in plastic laminate bag in cardboard outer carton.

  • Block - 20 Kg carton (54 cartons per pallet)
  • Shred - 6 x 2 Kg or 1 x 10 Kg carton  (63 cartons per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:

  • 20 Kg Block
  • 10 or 12 Kg Shred

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Pizza Cheese

Pizza Cheese is an Italian-style cheese with a slightly stringy texture, giving it a characteristic stretch when heated. It is ideal for baking applications as it provides minimal browning in high temperature conveyor ovens, and can safely withstand temperatures above 280 degrees C.


  • Ideal for Baking applications
  • Italian-style dishes such as Pizza, Lasagne and other pasta dishes
  • Thickner for sauces, on breads & in various meat dishes


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton. Shredded form is gas flushed in plastic laminate bag in cardboard outer carton.

  • Block - 10 Kg carton (96 cartons per pallet) 
  • Shred - 6 x 2 Kg or 1 x 10 Kg carton  (63 cartons per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:       

  • 10 Kg Block
  • 10 or 12 Kg Shred

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IQF Pizza Cheese

IQF Pizza Cheese is a shredded Italian-style stretch cheese for use on Pizza toppings and in Bakery & Frozen Food applications. The product is Individually Quick Frozen (IQF) which results in a free flowing shred, offering improved portion control. For products which are not going to be frozen, product should be thawed. One carton of 12Kg shred takes 3 to 4 days to thaw in a 2 – 4 degree C chiller room. For frozen products, product should be used frozen.


Packed into a plastic liner inside a 12 Kg cardboard carton. 48 cartons per pallet

Minimum Order Quantity:

48 cartons x 12 Kg

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Parmesan Cheese is a traditional Italian-style matured Cheese with a distinctive, sharp flavour. It is available in Block, Grated, Shredded & Shaved forms.


  • Used in many foods to provide a typically Italian flavour and aroma.
  • Soups, Lasagne, Pasta Dishes, Sauces, Savoury biscuits, Meat dishes.
  • Topping for added flavour.


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton. Grated / Shredded / Shaved form is gas flushed in plastic laminate bag in cardboard outer carton.

  • Block - 20 Kg carton (54 cartons per pallet)
  • Grated - 4 x 2 Kg carton (80 cartons per pallet), 1 x 25 Kg carton (32 cartons per pallet)           
  • Shred - 10 x 1 Kg carton  (60 cartons per pallet)
  • Shaved - 10 x 1 Kg carton  (60 cartons per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:

  • Block – 20 Kg
  • Grated – 8 Kg or 25 Kg
  • Shred – 10 Kg
  • Shaved – 10 Kg

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Romano Cheese is an Italian-style hard cheese with a distinct piquant Flavour. Romano has a slightly open texture with granular form. It is available in Block 20 Kg form.


  • Used in many foods to provide a typically Italian flavour and aroma.
  • Soups, Lasagne, Pasta Dishes, Sauces, Savoury biscuits, Meat dishes.
  • Topping for added flavour.


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton.

Block - 20 Kg carton (54 cartons per pallet)                           

Minimum Order Quantity:

Block – 20 Kg

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Pecorino Cheese is a traditional Italian-style matured cheese with a distinctive piquant flavour. It is available in 6 Kg Random Weight (R/W) Wheel.


  • Used in many foods to provide a typically Italian flavour and aroma.
  • Soups, Lasagne, Pasta Dishes, Sauces, Savoury biscuits, Meat dishes.
  • Topping for added flavour.


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton.           

Wheel - 2 x 6 Kg R/W Wheels per carton (64 cartons per pallet)         

Minimum Order Quantity:

12 Kg R/W carton

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Pepato Cheese is a traditional Italian-style matured cheese with a distinctive piquant flavour. Pepper-corns are used in the manufacturing process to give this cheese a unique pepper flavour. It is available in 6 Kg Random Weight (R/W) Wheel.


  • Used in many foods to provide a typically Italian flavour and aroma.
  • Soups, Lasagne, Pasta Dishes, Sauces, Savoury biscuits, Meat dishes.
  • Topping for added flavour.


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton.

Wheel - 2 x 6 Kg R/W Wheels per carton (64 cartons per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:

12 Kg R/W carton

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Ricotta Cheese is a smooth textured Italian-style white cheese, with a creamy, bland flavour. Its relatively low fat content makes it ideal for use in low-fat recipes, and its creamy texture makes it suitable for many Italian dishes.


  • For Italian-style dishes as a filling
  • Creamy topping for Pasta Dishes, Baby Foods & Sauces
  • Desserts such as Cheesecake & low-fat recipes


Cryovac bag in cardboard outer.

15 Kg carton (32 cartons per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:

15 Kg carton

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Gouda Cheese is a semi-hard, rindless cheese. It has a mild, nutty flavour, smooth, plastic body and some eye formation.


  • Excellent for cutting & packing into smaller retail units
  • As a table or snack cheese
  • Shredding
  • Processing


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton. 2 x 10 Kg Blocks per 20 Kg outer carton.

54 cartons x 20 Kg per pallet

Minimum Order Quantity:

20 Kg carton

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Swiss Cheese is a semi hard, rindless cheese with a sweet, nutty flavour. The cheese has a closed texture with medium sized eyes found throughout the cheese. Firm, smooth, plastic body with high solids content.


  • As a table or snack cheese
  • As a cooking ingredient or further processing
  • Slicing, Shredding
  • For cutting into smaller blocks for retail application
  • For foodservice (in block form)


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton.

Rectangular Block – 15 Kg Random Weight (64 cartons per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:

15 Kg R/W carton

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Edam Cheese is a semi-hard, rindless cheese. It has a mild, nutty flavour, smooth, plastic body and close texture. It is similar to Gouda Cheese however lower in fat & higher in protein


  • Excellent for cutting & packing into smaller retail units
  • As a table or snack cheese
  • Shredding
  • Processing
  • Excellent as a pizza topping.


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton.

Block 20 Kg - 54 cartons x 20 Kg per pallet

Minimum Order Quantity:    

20 Kg carton

Order Now $ P.O.A.

Hi-Melt IQF Diced

Hi Melt Cheese has a mild to medium cheese flavour, with a smooth, close and firm texture. Hi Melt Cheese will not oil out like standard Cheddar or Mozzarella Cheese. In IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) form the cheese can be used frozen with the added benefit of free flowing diced pieces. Dice Size: 6 x 6 x 10 mm.


  • Value added meat and poultry products eg. Cheese Sausages, Chicken Kiev, Cordon Blue Schnitzel.
  • Convenience Foods eg. Cheese Balls, Frozen Dinners
  • Pizza Toppings, Pasta Dishes
  • Bakery Products, eg. Bread, rolls, pies.


Packed in a heat sealed Vacuum packed plastic liner bag in cardboard outer cartons.

12 Kg outer carton (40 cartons x 12 Kg per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:

12 Kg carton

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Hi-Melt Block

Hi Melt Block Cheese has a mild to medium flavour. Smooth, close & firm texture.


  • Burgers
  • Sandwiches
  • Toasted/Grilled Snacks


The standard package is a vacuum sealed flexible wrap, protected by a cardboard carton.

Block 21 Kg carton (54 cartons x 21 Kg per pallet)

Minimum Order Quantity:

21 Kg carton

Order Now $ P.O.A.

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